In The News

1% Regional Training Class

November 1, 2018

The South Carolina State Firefighters’ Association (SCSFA) is charged by State Law with the fiduciary responsibility of the Firemen’s Insurance & Inspection Fund. One of the many ways the SCSFA demonstrates their fiduciary responsibility is to conduct yearly audits on member fire department’s Firemen’s Insurance & Inspection Fund accounts. Over the past few years, the trend has seen an increase of required follow-up audits based on the grade received on departments initial audits. In 2018, the Legislative Audit Council (LAC) conducted an audit on the State’s Firemen’s Insurance & Inspection Fund. A couple of findings that were reported in their audit report were, poor accounting practices and fire departments not spending their money for the betterment of their membership. After reviewing the LAC’s audit report, the State Supervisory Committee, along with the SCSFA, has deemed it necessary to provide additional training to our members for their Firemen’s Insurance & Inspection Fund account. In an effort to rectify issues noted during LAC’s audit report, we are pleased to offer a 1% Regional Training Class. We would like to announce that the first class will be held on Thursday, November 15, 2018 at the Spartanburg Community College (107 Community College Drive, Spartanburg, SC 29303) The training will be held in Room 115 in the Health Sciences Building and is scheduled from 6:00pm – 8:30 pm. Light meal will be provided along with door prizes. You will need to register below for this class. Please mark your calendars and join us for this very important class! We look forward to your attendance! [gravityform id="95" title="true" description="true"] 1% – Use It Wisely or Lose It South Carolina Fire Departments receive over $16 million dollars annually in 1% funds. These funds are meant to be used to benefit firefighters by providing benefits and paying for expenses that the regular department resources will not provide. But there are many regulations tied to these 1% funds. Every year there are departments that are losing their 1% funds because they are not complying with the requirements and regulations. It is very important that your fire department has multiple people who are familiar with the accounting practices and regulations of the 1% funds, so you are not one of those departments that loses your 1% funds. Come join us to find out what you need to know to keep and best use your 1% funds. Contact Jeff Oswald for additional information or to schedule a class in your area.

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