1% – Use It Wisely or Lose It
Training Overview
Come join us to find out what you need to know to keep and best use your 1% funds. There are many regulations tied to these state-funded dollars and departments are losing their One Percent funds because they are not complying with the requirements and regulations. The One Percent training classes walk you through these practices and regulations so that you can ensure your audit comes back blemish-free.
Over the past few years, there has been an increase of required follow-up audits based on the grade received on the department's initial audits. In 2018, the Legislative Audit Council (LAC) conducted an audit on the State’s Firemen’s Insurance & Inspection Fund. A couple of findings that were reported in their audit report were poor accounting practices and fire departments not spending their money for the betterment of their membership. After reviewing the LAC’s audit report, the State Supervisory Committee, along with the SCSFA, has deemed it necessary to provide additional training to our members for their Firemen’s Insurance & Inspection Fund account.